How To Become A PASA (Program Approved Service Agency)
PASA Application Process
To provide services through any of the Home and Community Based Medicaid Waivers, an organization must become a Program Approved Service Agency (PASA). The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) and Health Care Policy and Financing (HCPF) coordinate the dual application process.
Please review the PASA Application Process Infographic for an overview of the application process.
The process requires two types of approval applications:
- You will need to start on the Program Approved Service Agency (PASA) application.
- You will also need to complete a Medicaid provider application (become a Medicaid-approved vendor through HCPF).
To begin this application process, please visit CDPHE’s Program Approved Service Agency (PASA) website for more information.
Additional provider questions or concerns?
Please contact the DP Provider Team at
For New PASAs
If you have received your agency’s PASA approval, the State will send over a copy of the approval letter to the corresponding Community Centered Boards (CCBs) indicated on your application.
PASA Resources
Please review these documents. Some must be filled out and submitted; others are for your agency to reference.
Contact Form
If you are a new provider or need to update contact information with Developmental Pathways, please fill out this form and send it to the DP Provider Team.
Provider Profile
Please update this template for your agency. This acts as a great way to advertise and provide a snapshot of your agency for individuals and families. Please attach this document to your RFP provider responses.
CIR template (Critical Incident Report) PDF version , Excel version
Please save this document for your records. You will need to utilize this as a mandatory reporter if an individual you are serving is involved in a critical incident.
- Developmental Pathways Critical Incident Quick Guide
This document outlines our internal critical incident process, necessary information, and how to submit a critical incident to Developmental Pathways. It also has links to other critical incident resources.
HRC checklist (Human Rights Committee)
This document is only applicable to PASAs approved for Residential services. Please utilize this checklist as the items needed if an individual you are serving is scheduled to be reviewed for HRC due to any rights suspensions or psychotropic meds they have in place. This will indicate what is required to be included in the HRC packet.
HRC Coversheet
This document is only applicable to PASAs approved for Residential services. Please fill out this document and include it at the beginning of the HRC packet.
RFP (Request for Proposal, referrals) Provider Response FAQ
Please use this document for any frequently asked questions about the web-based provider response form.
RFP Workflow Chart
This document provides an overview of the RFP process.
Crisis and Community Resource Manual
This document provides a comprehensive range of information regarding crisis resources and strategies, Medicaid resources, Waiver resources, and community resources.