Provider Info

We define a provider as someone who delivers services for the Developmental Pathways community.

Providers can include community organizations, Medicaid, and non-Medicaid providers. There are also specific types of providers, including Program Approved Service Agencies (PASAs). PASAs are agencies approved to provide direct community-based services to individuals with intellectual or developmental disabilities (I/DD).  This relates to Medicaid waiver programs, such as Children’s Extensive Support Services (CES), Developmental Disabilities (DD), and Supported Living Services (SLS), as well as State-funded Supported Living Services (State SLS).

Long-term Care Providers Meeting Schedule​

The provider team hosts quarterly meetings. These meetings usually provide updates from HCPF or Developmental Pathways.

2025 Calendar Dates:
March 13, 2025
June 12, 2025
September 11, 2025
December 11, 2025

  • All meetings will occur from
    1:30 – 3:30 p.m.
  • Zoom links, meeting details, and calendar appointments will be sent out in advance of each meeting.
  • For the other months, the Provider team will continue to send out HCPF updates and provider bulletins.

For Community Organizations, Medicaid, and Non-Medicaid Providers

Looking for more information on PASAs?

Are you interested in becoming a PASA? Want to learn more about how to access Medicaid funding for your services?

Let’s support our community together

Not a Medicaid provider or want to expand your impact? Find out ways to collaborate with Developmental Pathways by reaching out to our Community Engagement team.


Funds available for providers

Talk to us about funding opportunities available for PASAs and community organizations supporting the disability community. We can help!

For Individuals and Families

Currently not enrolled in services?

Visit our Get Started page for more information.

Enrolled and receiving services?

Connect with your case manager or coordinator for assistance connecting with providers or Program Approved Service Agencies (PASAs).

Need information about our Request For Proposal (RFP) process or how to get connected with our PASAs?

Looking for other inclusive community opportunities, supports, or providers?

Looking for Early Intervention providers, resources, and more?

Looking for a provider?

Search for & connect with a HCBS or long-term care provider.