Qualifying for Enrollment

To access services through a waiver or state-funded program, an individual must first fall under our criteria.

Waivers and Programs

  • Brain Injury Waiver (BI)
  • Complementary and Integrative Health Waiver (CIH)
  • Community Mental Health Supports Waiver (CMHS)
  • Elderly, Blind, and Disabled Waiver (EBD)


Contact our Intake Team

Please complete our Intake Referral Form or leave a message with our intake team by calling
303-360-6600, ext. 3, then select the option to start services for Medicaid waivers or state general funded programs.


Submit necessary documents

The Intake Case Manager will then review and submit documents.


Enroll into services we can offer (if approved / eligible)

Find out more about waivers and programs in which you can enroll in.

Developmental Disability/Delay Waivers and Programs

  • Children’s Extensive Supports Waiver (CES)
  • Children’s Habilitation Residential Program Waiver (CHRP)
  • Children’s Home and Community-Based Services Waiver (CHCBS)
  • Children with Life Limiting Illness Waiver (CLLI)
  • Community Outreach Waitlist Program
  • Developmental Disabilities Waiver (DD)
  • Elderly, Blind, and Disabled Waiver (EBD)
  • Family Support Services Program (FSSP)
  • OBRA Specialized Services (OBSS)
  • Supported Living Services Waiver (SLS)
  • State Supported Living Services Program (S-SLS)


Contact our Intake Team

Please complete our Intake Referral Form or leave a message with our intake team by calling
303-360-6600, ext. 3, then select the option to start services for Medicaid waivers or state general funded programs.


Submit necessary documents

A Disability Determination form will need to be completed and documents sent.

ou have 90 days to submit all paperwork. The Intake Case Manager will then review and submit documents.


Enroll into services we can offer (if approved / eligible)

Find out more about waivers and programs in which you can enroll in.

Developmental Disability/Delay Criteria

Find out more about our developmental disability/delay criteria for receiving specific services.

Waitlist Information

When funding limits the availability of services, waiting lists are established for individuals seeking services.
Find out more