Developmental Pathways is proud to offer a variety of locally funded programs to meet the needs of our community.
Local funded programming includes
monies from:
Board-Designated Funds
Mill Levy Funds
Other Funding
(Grants, Donations, Etc.)
Primary funding goals include:
Meeting unmet and under-met needs directly (Individual Funding)
Creating and/or supporting programming and community infrastructure to support more meaningful, integrated, and quality outcomes for individuals with IDDs and their families.

Which are accomplished via:
Direct monies to individuals/families:
Learn more about under-met needs allocations
Direct monies to community providers in support of individuals and families which includes: Provider grants, scholarships, sponsorships
Learn more
Agency-level care coordination work to strengthen I/DD outcomes for individuals and families:
Crisis work, county liaison work, systems navigation/resource work, including newsletters and communications, etc.
Local Programming Recap
Provider Grants
Provider Grants are available to community organizations and Program Approved Service Agencies (PASAs) and are intended to increase capacity or quality in serving individuals; this year, that funding includes stability funding.
Individual Unmet Needs Allocations
These are funds to support individuals and families with unmet or under-met needs in the community. Needs include additional respite, professional services, and integrative supports such as classes, camps, transportation, etc.
Community Outreach Waitlist Service Coordination
These funds support service coordination for individuals and families who do not yet qualify for state or waiver-funded programming and are currently waitlisted. This team helps individuals and families access community resources, including all mill-levy-funded programming
Care Coordination: Mill Levy Roles
Specialized Mill Levy roles such as crisis coordination, county liaisons, resource navigation, research and quality outcomes, and financial and data analysis
Care Coordination Enrollments and Systems Navigation
Specialized supported intake and enrollment functions to provide services not otherwise funded to clients who need to access I/DD supports to support better referral outcomes for those in need of services.
Care Coordination: Wrap Around (LTC and EI)
Wrap-around care coordination helps case managers and coordinators connect clients/families to mill levy supports and resources and provide wrap-around care coordination; it also supports lower caseloads.
Scholarship Opportunities (to Individuals)
These funds support free or discounted opportunities to individuals and families in our catchment area—in essence, making specialized programming more affordable.
Sponsorships support organizations with things such as fundraising events, community events, and educational training for which DP is an active and advertised event sponsor.
Activities and Miscellaneous Supports
Activities include trainings and events, which are intended to support and engage individuals and families as well as community providers. Our events provide opportunities for individuals and families to connect, build relationships, participate in the community, and learn.