Developmental Pathways aims to create a continuous transition from Early Intervention to the next phase of care for children ages three to five. We are here to bridge the gap families often experience in services and connection to resources when they transition out of Early Intervention as the child turns three.

These four short videos will walk you through the process of transitioning out of Early Intervention services with Developmental Pathways. While Early Intervention services will end at age three, Developmental Pathways and your local school district are here to support you and your child.
Estos cuatros videos te llevaran a través del proceso de transición de los servicios de Intervención Temprana con Developmental Pathways. Mientras que Intervención Temprana termina a la edad de tres años, Developmental Pathways y tu distrito escolar local están aquí para apoyarte a ti y a tu hijo.
Video 1
Overview of the Transition Out of Early Intervention
At age three, your child will transition out of Early Intervention services. This video provides an overview of the people, services, and timelines that will make up the transition process.
Resumen De La Transición Fuera De La Intervención Temprana
A la edad de tres años, su hijo(a) hará la transición de los servicios de intervención temprana. Este video proporciona una descripción general de las personas, los servicios y los plazos que conformarán el proceso de transición.
Video 2
Part C And Part B: Comparing Services
Part C Services, provided through the Early Intervention Program, end at age three in Colorado. School-based Part B Services start in preschool for qualifying children. Learn about the services available for children with developmental delays.
Parte C Y Parte B: Comparación De Los Servicios
Los servicios de la Parte C, proporcionados a través del Programa de Intervención Temprana, terminan a los tres años en Colorado. Los servicios de la Parte B basados en la escuela comienzan en el año preescolar para los niños que califican. Conozca los servicios disponibles para niños con retrasos en el desarrollo.
Video 3
Prepare for the Transition Process
As a parent or caregiver, you can do several things to get ready for the transition out of Early Intervention. Take out a piece of paper and a pen to write down a few notes.
Prepárese Para El Proceso De Transición
Como padre o cuidador, puede hacer varias cosas para prepararse para la transición de Intervención Temprana. Sace un papel y una pluma para escribir algunas notas.
Video 4
Overview Of The Transition Out Of Early Intervention
After Early Intervention, children may still get services with Developmental Pathways. If your child did not meet all their IFSP goals in Early Intervention, our Community Outreach program could be a resource for your family.
Resumen De La Transición Fuera De La Intervención Temprana
Después de la intervención temprana, niños aún pueden recibir servicios con Developmental Pathways. Si su hijo(a) no a cumplidó con todas las metas del IFSP en Intervención Temprana, nuestro Programa de Alcance Comunitario podría ser un recurso para su familia.
Other Resources
Milestone Tracker:
Track your child’s milestones from age 2 months to 5 years with the free app.
Developmental Milestones:
Watch Your Child Learn and Grow: milestones from ages two through five years
Checklist to track your child’s developmental milestones from ages two months to five years
Child Find:
To make a referral for screening or evaluation for a delay in development (children 3-5 years)
State | Denver Metro | Resources Page
Online Educational Resources to Use at Home (subscription required):
For Early Childhood Professionals
Developmental Pathways Early Childhood Professional Trainings
Disabilities Services Newsletters:
A newsletter dedicated to staff working with young children with disabilities and their families.
Head Start Disability/Inclusion Network:
Engage with the Head Start disability/inclusion community around the country in an online community hosted on the MyPeers platform.
Pre-K Teach & Play:
Re-imaging early education. Redefining inclusion. Reclaiming children’s right to learn through play.
Watch Me! Celebrating Milestones and Sharing Concerns free online early childhood training module.
Continuing education available.
Looking for more information?
Contact our EI team
303-360-6600, ext. 2, then ext. 1