New Company: Joshin
Joshin is a new company that created an app to find respite care for people with special needs. It’s live in the Twin Cities and they’ve already set it up that waivers can pay for the app. Denver is on the list of upcoming cities. To learn more visit the website.
Ride United
Ride United: “a transportation access initiative that will help those in need overcome transportation barriers. Ride United launches with initial support from General Motors and Lyft and leverages the strengths of local United Ways and the 211 network to address unmet transportation needs for individuals and families.” Click here to read the full article.
New Clinic: Summit Pediatric Therapy
Summit Pediatric Therapy opened a new clinic in Denver. This will be a state-of-the-art sensory gym for kids. They are now accepting new patients.
Instructional ABA Consultants (IABA) offer Autism & Behavioral Services throughout Douglas County
A behavioral provider throughout the Douglas County area, IABA offers an Early Learning Clinic & Home-Based Services for children with autism or behavioral challenges. IABA’s autism clinic services children 18 months to kindergarten. Click here to learn more.
Disability Bias TALKS Video Series
The Arc of Aurora offers training and education programs that target knowledge, attitude, and behavior to ultimately improve the quality of life for people with I/DD, their families, and the professionals in their lives. They recently created six videos. Click here to watch. Developmental Pathways sponsored this series.
Sensory-friendly Playtime
The WOW! Children’s museum in Lafayette offers a sensory-friendly atmosphere. Happening every two or three months, the museum limits attendance, turns down sound and lights, and provides adaptive equipment. Click here for more information.