💚 Pickleball Invitational
Boomtown Athletics 14200 E. Alameda Avenue, Aurora, CO, United StatesSkills Start 9:00 a.m. Competition starts at 12:00 p.m. Singles Doubles Unified Doubles Play Equipment Provided or bring your own paddles Interested? If interested please let Kara Waldmeier (kWaldmeier@specialolympicsco.org), our Sports and Competition Coordinator, know.
💚 – Holiday with Horses
11892 Hilltop Road Parker, CO, United StatesCost: $5/person and $20/family
ZoomPlanning for a child who may become a long-term dependent for your family goes beyond traditional financial planning. This brief, online workshop helps parents, guardians, and family members to better understand the planning our children may need during all stages of life. Topics to be discussed include: • Legal, Financial & Government Benefits Planning Considerations […]
💚 Texas Roadhouse Tip-A-Cop
Texas RoadhouseJoin us at any Texas Roadhouse throughout Colorado to support Special Olympics Colorado athletes! Together with Special Olympics Colorado athletes, Law Enforcement officers wait tables and collect tips at Texas Roadhouse locations across Colorado. Your donations will all go to support Special Olympics Colorado athletes! Question? Please contact the LETR Coordinator, Stacy Cruz at SCruz@specialolympicsco.org.
💚 – Winter Wonderland
The Arc of Arapahoe & Douglas County 6538 S Racine Circle, Centennial, CO, United StatesCome visit The Arc Arapahoe, Douglas & Elbert Counties for a stroll through an outdoor Winter Wonderland that features over 10,000 lights! Grab a cup of hot cocoa, snap a festive photo, and have a happy holiday season! Admission if Free!
💚 Milk & Cookies with Santa
Parker Fieldhouse 18700 E. Plaza Dr., Parker, CO, United StatesDon't miss this opportunity to spend some time with the jolly man in the bright red suit. It is a great beginning to the Ho Ho Holiday season with crafts, light refreshments and more! Children will be able to sit on Santa’s lap for parents to take photos. Two sessions are offered. Please register early, […]
💚 Snowman Breakfast
The Arc of Arapahoe & Douglas County 6538 S Racine Circle, Centennial, CO, United StatesCome and enjoy a delightful morning with Olaf, the lovable snowman. This event is the perfect opportunity to meet Olaf in person and create unforgettable memories. During the Snowman Breakfast, you can indulge in a pancake breakfast, be entertained by Olaf’s charming personality, and participate in snowman themed crafts. You’ll have the chance to take […]
💚 Pictures with Santa
Autism Community Store 14095 E Exposition Ave, Aurora, CO, United StatesBy appointment: 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM Call 303-309-3647 to save your spot. Walk in: 1:00 - 3:00 PM First-come, first-served.
💚 Autism Community Store — Pictures with Santa
Autism Community Store 14095 E Exposition Ave, Aurora, CO, United StatesHOSTED BY Autism Community Store DATE AND TIME Dec 16, 2023 @ 10:00 am - 3:00 pm ABOUT Visiting Santa is a tradition for many families. However, it can be a distressing time for someneurodiverse children. That’s why we offer an alternative to the typical experience. Wave goodbye to sensory overload, long lines and overwhelming […]