Access Gallery Artist designs DP Colfax Marathon Shirts

Access Gallery Artist designs DP Colfax Marathon Shirts

On October 16-17, Developmental Pathways will be participating in Denver’s Colfax Marathon! When you sign up for this memorable experience, you will also receive a custom-designed DP t-shirt. We partnered once again with Access Gallery and one of their talented artists, AJ, who created a one-of-a-kind t-shirt.

Access Gallery, an inclusive art studio in Denver, recommended AJ’s work as he is one of the studio’s most creative and mobile artists. With his incredible imagination, he developed a signature character, “Traffic Light Head Dude”.

man wearing mask holding blue tshirt with colfax marathon custom design

“We recommended AJ’s work because of his history; doing custom artwork on a mannequin for the Colfax Marathon several years ago, artwork for the Access Gallery 26 Miles of Awesome Show in 2017, and custom artwork for an electric box located on east Colfax for Colfax Strong in 2020,” said Amy Siegel, Marketing & Sales Specialist at Access Gallery. “His fun, illustrative style looks great on everything from a large mural, canvas, electric box, show posters, and t-shirts!”

In 2013, AJ received an Award of Excellence from VSA and Volkswagen Group of America’s annual Emerging Young Artists Program competition. In 2017, AJ and his illustrated world were featured in a short film accepted into the Palm Springs International Animation Festival.

Through collaboration with Developmental Pathway’s Communications team and free reign of his creativity, AJ produced an incredibly unique piece. The design includes several buildings and landmarks seen throughout the race, such as City Park, the Denver Capitol, the Denver Zoo, and of course, his signature character, “Traffic Light Head Dude”.

To learn more about Access Gallery or to reach out to one of their artists, visit